Friday, October 8, 2010

choosing to see

As a high school Steven Curtis Chapman fan, I was eager to read his wife's new book, mostly because they love orphans. My youth group used his songs as the themes of any event, camp or retreat. I have vivid memories of the bright blue Tshirt with The Great Adventure on it singing at the top of my lungs "Saddle up your horses..."

I spent the majority of the last 24 hours reading this book, Choosing to See, by Mary Beth Chapman. It is one of the most precious, intimate, funny, heartbreaking books I've read. This girl's been through it! What a beautiful story she has to tell of God's redemption on so many levels.
Christianity doesn't deny the reality of suffering and evil.
...Our hope... is not based on the idea that we are going to be free of pain and suffering. Rather, it is based on the conviction that we will triumph over suffering.
Brennan Manning
I parked it in a chair on the driveway while Caroline hammered nails into random wood, Preston threw golf balls into the neighbors yard, and Lucy scaled the very high stone wall on the side of the house with her partner in crime, Jack, the neighbor. I just sat there sobbing.

Andy took the little ones for a run after dinner. I hadn't even made a proper dinner. Caroline offered to clean the kitchen so I could sit and read/cry. She even offered to get me a cup of coffee or diet coke, I said I was fine with my glass of wine. She brought me my stash of dark chocolate squares that I thought was hidden. Clearly, I was a mess.
Out of these ashes
Beauty will rise
And we will dance among the ruins
We will see it with our own eyes
out of these ashes
Beauty will rise
For we know joy is coming in the morning
In the morning
Beauty will rise
Steven Curtis Chapman

The Chapman's lost one of their daughters, Maria in a tragic car accident 2 years ago. Mary Beth chronicles her whole journey, very detailed, and not very wrapped up with a bow. They LOVE adoption and have done more to advocate for orphans than most in the US. I am so inspired by them. They have also raised amazing children. 5 more of them.

My best friend, Lisa told me I had to read it, she was right, and now you should too :)
Andy was reading Tom Davis' book Priceless, a novel about the sex trade in Russia. We were a barrel of laughs last night :(

OK, random post, Caroline is now teaching herself her math lesson, gotta go!

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