Austin has such a guilt complex about caging animals. The zoo is filled with sad, neurotic furry creatures, pacing back and forth, or hobbling around on 3 legs, missing a wing, blind, albino... The nature center doesn't disappoint. Every little animal has a page of it's sob story, usually involving a man with a gun or car, or someone trying to raise the cute fox in the back yard. It's not exactly the tribute to the beauty of God's creation I loved to show the girls at the Houston Zoo, but whatever.

Saturday, the girls and Andy went to Dallas for the day for cousin Austin's 1 year birthday!

We did this for a LONG time. Back and forth, back and forth.
Watching the one-winged, one eyed owl.

We got a trampoline Thursday after the Nature Center. Andy drove the girls to San Antonio to pick it up and then assembled it that evening. It is my dream to own a trampoline, I personally LOVE to jump, flip and fall.
Pretty tuckered out, wearing the "thank you" t-shirt from the girls at Shady Grove.
I've decided to call it "The Nanny"
Could he be any cuter??